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Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems

Price $8.761.500. Valor con descuento del 10%= $7.866.450*

Offered in: Bucaramanga, Manizales

Duration 4 semestres

Degree: Magíster en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión

Mode: Distance

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SNIES: 109972

005128 del 25 de marzo de 2020 por 7 años

Faculty of Business Administration

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Admission: Every Semester

UCM being consistent with what is defined in the institutional mission, about its contribution to the integral formation of the person and to guide the academy with criteria of universality, humanization of knowledge, quality and innovation to respond to the challenges of contemporary society; it is defined to take advantage of the experience of the university in quality management, environmental and occupational health and safety, to design this Master's program in Integrated Management Systems.  Throughout the last years, UCM has acquired and generated knowledge and experience related to management systems. 

The name "Integrated Management Systems" refers to the fact that the program is oriented to the specific management systems of quality, environment and occupational health and safety, and in coherence with the proposed curriculum, each academic component is planned with an integral approach to the three systems.  


*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes del primer semestre del proceso formativo.

Encuentro presencial una sóla vez al mes | Viernes de 6:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. | Sábado de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. en Manizales y Bucaramanga | Encuentros sincrónicos semanales virtuales | Martes o jueves de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.



Semester 1

Fundamentals of Integrated Management

2 Credits

Strategic Management and Operational Planning I

2 Credits

Research I

2 Credits

UCM Identity

1 Credit

Leadership and Culture

3 Credits

Semester 2

Strategic Management and Operational Control II

2 Credits

Legal Requirements Planning

2 Credits

Elective I

2 Credits

Research II

2 Credits

Social Responsibility

2 Credits

Semester 3

Integrated Risk and Opportunity Management

3 Credits

Consulting Processes

3 Credits

Elective II

2 Credits

Research III

3 Credits

Semester 4

Integral Audit

3 Credits

Evaluation and Improvement of the Integrated Management System

3 Credits

Research IV

4 Credits


Natalia Zuluaga

Director de programa

Magíster en Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Excelencia, Medio Ambiente y Responsabilidad Corporativa

Guillermo Hernán Toro Mejía

Magíster en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión de la Calidad.

Jhon Jairo Ángel Hernández

Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial

Jorge Alberto Valencia Bernal

Magíster en Administración de la Salud

Juan Guillermo Delgado Martínez

Magister en Filosofía.

Mabel Ibarra Luna

Magíster en Gerencia del Talento Humano.

Paula Andrea Peña López

Magíster en Administración de Negocios

Yeison Alberto Garcés Gómez

Doctor en Ingeniería

Why this program at UCM?

Integral perspective: Although for several years there has been talk about the integration of management systems and the benefits it brings to an organization, the reality is that organizations in general do not integrate their management systems. In Colombia, since Decree 1443 was issued in 2014, which defines the requirements for the occupational health and safety management system and includes as a requirement for employers the integration of this system with other existing systems in the organizations, the truth is that very few have them integrated. 2. Double certification of students: Students not only receive the certificate as a Master in Integrated Management Systems, but also another one that certifies the competence to carry out Integral Internal Audits in organizations. This second certification is granted by UCM, which refers to the ability to perform comprehensive internal audits under the standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001: 2018, Chap. 6 Decree 1072 2015 and ISO 19011:2018. / Consulting process: The inclusion of the consulting process as one of the academic components of the curriculum is another characteristic of the Integrated Management Systems Master's program. This academic component is a strategic element and complements the performance of graduates when they have the opportunity of entrepreneurship, that is, for the student it is of great interest, since most students consider entrepreneurship as an opportunity that allows them to become an advisor or organizational consultant on aspects related to integrated management systems.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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