UCM being consistent with what is defined in the institutional mission, about its contribution to the integral formation of the person and to guide the academy with criteria of universality, humanization of knowledge, quality and innovation to respond to the challenges of contemporary society; it is defined to take advantage of the experience of the university in quality management, environmental and occupational health and safety, to design this Master's program in Integrated Management Systems. Throughout the last years, UCM has acquired and generated knowledge and experience related to management systems.
The name "Integrated Management Systems" refers to the fact that the program is oriented to the specific management systems of quality, environment and occupational health and safety, and in coherence with the proposed curriculum, each academic component is planned with an integral approach to the three systems.
The Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems provides society with the qualified human resources necessary to achieve an adequate implementation and integration of systems in companies, offering the professional quality education and competent professors committed to the institutional mission.
Integral management is understood as the activities necessary to supply a product or provide a service and these activities include all those necessary to comply with quality requirements, environmental protection and personal safety.
The integral perspective has been taken into account in the design of the curriculum of the academic program, which has allowed naming the academic components without distinction of each of the systems, but in each of them the requirements of the three systems of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety are applied. In this way we orient the student towards an integral thought of each of the academic components, which obey the elements of any integrated system, achieving as a result, professionals with the necessary knowledge for the improvement of the integrated systems in the companies.
*Note: El descuento aplica para matrícula de estudiantes del primer semestre del proceso formativo.
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