Graduate Profile

The graduate of the Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems of the Catholic University of Manizales is able to design, implement, evaluate and improve integrated management systems in organizations; propose solutions to achieve effective integrated management in organizations, taking into account aspects such as leadership, ethical and environmental awareness, the characteristics of the culture and resource management; perform consulting and business advisory services related to integrated systems; and design and implement research proposals in the field of organizational management.
Performance areas:
- Ability to be appointed to management positions in the areas of Integrated Management Systems. additional and that allows them to exercise this multifunctionality.
- Manage organizational areas related to disciplines other than the one obtained prior to the Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems.
- Entrepreneurship. Another particular interest of those interested in the Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems is to have the ability to undertake entrepreneurship and create consulting or business advisory services companies.
- Coordinate research projects. A research project can be the solution to generate the necessary knowledge to take advantage of an improvement opportunity.
Social contribution of the program
The Master's program in Integrated Management Systems, being an area of knowledge transversal to all areas, is proposed as a program that will impact the environment directly from the agreements that are developed with UCM and those that already exist, allowing the deepening in the integration of Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety systems in organizations, impacting the profitability and productivity of these, allowing the strengthening of their competitiveness indicators. There is also an indirect impact by supporting the institution's internal research and social projection processes.