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Master in Remote Sensing

Price $10.820.400

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 4 semestres

Degree: Magíster en Teledetección

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 91324

07111 del 30 de abril de 2018, Vigencia: 7 años

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Nivel de formación: Posgrados

Periodicidad de admisión: Anual

Spectrometry Equipment

  1. Calibration setup and validation of spectral fingerprints (Signature obtained by the spectrometer and spectral image obtained by the camera) of vegetation from a polychromatic lamp.
  2. Measuring and calibration equipment for the spectrometry laboratory (Ocean Ocpics, labsphere and Tetracam brands).
  3. Reflectance standard target with Spectralon model ws-1-sl
  4. Spectral fingerprint analysis: Signature obtained by the spectrometer is displayed on the computer screen and spectral image obtained by the camera is displayed on the monitor.

Specialized software

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software used for 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

ArcGIS Advanced groups several applications (ArcReader, ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcToolbox, ArcScene and ArcGlobe) for capturing, editing, analyzing, processing, designing, publishing and printing geographic information.

PCI Geomatics
PCI Geomatics is a software for remote sensing, image interpretation, digital photogrammetry, GIS, mapping and data visualization.

Matlab is a mathematical software tool that provides an integrated development environment with its own programming language.

OceanView provides software tools at multiple levels of power, complexity and programmability to meet a "full spectrum" of spectroscopic analysis and automation needs.

SNAP is ideal for Earth Observation processing and analysis because of the following technological innovations: extensibility, portability, modular rich client platform, Generic EO data abstraction, tile memory management, and a Graphical Processing framework.

The Sentinel-1 Toolbox (S1TBX)
S1TBX, a collection of tools that allows data processing, reading and editing, visualization and analysis of ESA SAR mission archives.

The Sentinel-2 Toolbox (S2TBX)
S2TBX, consists of a comprehensive set of visualization, analysis and processing tools for leveraging high-resolution optical products including the upcoming Sentinel-2 MSI sensor.

The Sentinel-3 Toolbox (S3TBX)
S3TBX, consisting of a comprehensive set of visualization, analysis and processing tools for the exploitation of OLCI and SLSTR data, also supports ESA missions Envisat (MERIS and AATSR), ERS (ATSR), SMOS, as well as third party data from MODIS (Aqua and Terra), Landsat (TM), ALOS (AVNIR and PRISM) and others.

SMOS Toolbox
ESA software, to process acquired Soil and Salinity data from the.

PolSARPro, a Polarimetric SAR Data Processing tool, aims to facilitate the access and exploitation of multi-polarized datasets from Envisat ASAR alternate polarization products, Sentinel-1, additionally supports third party mission products such as: ALOS-1 PALSAR, ALOS-2 PALSAR, COSMO-SkyMed, Radarsat-2, RISAT, TerraSAR-X and Tandem-X.

Gipsy Oasis
It is a GNSS (Global Positioning System) inference and orbit simulation software.
GIPSY is developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
UCM-JPL Agreement

PixelWrench II
PixelWrench II is a powerful image editing program that includes specific tools for multispectral imaging.

The R Project for Statistical Computing
It is an environment and programming language with a focus on statistical analysis.

ILWIS software integrates remote sensing and vector image processing capabilities, and countless spatial modeling capabilities.

GvSIG is a Geographic Information System, capable of working with information of any type or origin, both in raster and vector format.

QGIS is an Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU - General Public License.

MapServer is an open source development environment (Open Source Initiative) for the development of GIS solutions that allow the visualization, consultation and analysis of geographic information through the Internet using Internet Map Server (IMS) technology.

GeoServer is an open source server - written in Java - that allows sharing and editing geographic information data.

Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro, allow the user to view and use content such as map and relief data, images, company profiles, traffic, reviews and other related data provided by Google, its licensors and users.

European Science Tools ESA

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