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Price $6.688.900

Offered in: Manizales

Duration 9 semestres

Degree: Publicista

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 2539

Resolución 010786 del 27 de junio de 2024 por 8 años

Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology

Level of education: Career - Undergraduate program

Admission: Every Semester

Trust your ideas and mobilize the world with them!

Somos el primer programa académico de Publicidad creado en Colombia (1968). 55 años de trayectoria confirman nuestro compromiso con la formación integral alrededor de la publicidad y la economía creativa de Colombia. 

The UCM Advertising program gives you the opportunity to challenge yourself to live in a creative and unique way; analyzing, formulating and creating messages that inform, excite, persuade and conquer the public in making conscious decisions, contributing to social and cultural transformation.


Networks and associations of which we are members


Basic sciences

Semester 1

Design Fundamentals

2 Credits

Fundamentals of Advertising

3 Credits

Communication Fundamentals

3 Credits

Communication Skills I

2 Credits

Fundamentals of Economics

2 Credits


2 Credits

Logical Mathematical Thinking

3 Credits

Sports or Artistic

1 Credit

Semester 2

Expression and Composition

3 Credits

Creative Thinking

3 Credits

Languages and Narratives

3 Credits

Semiotics of Communication

3 Credits


2 Credits

Communication Skills II

2 Credits

Environmental Education

1 Credit


1 Credit

Semester 3

Graphic Expression

3 Credits

Advertising Semiotics

3 Credits

Culture and Communication

3 Credits


3 Credits

Research Seminar

2 Credits


2 Credits

Social Thought and Charisma

2 Credits

Semester 4

Photographic Expression

3 Credits

Brands and Advertising Creativity

3 Credits

Communication and New Senses

3 Credits


3 Credits

Consumer Psychology

3 Credits

Ethics and Corporate Values

2 Credits

Optional I

2 Credits

Semester 5

Sound Expression

3 Credits

Aesthetics and Art

3 Credits

Strategic Advertising Planning

3 Credits

Communication and Copywriting

3 Credits

Market Intelligence

2 Credits

Advertising Ethics

2 Credits

Optional Il

2 Credits

Semester 6

Audiovisual Expression

3 Credits

Creation of Advertising Content

3 Credits

Digital Communication

3 Credits

Brand Strategy

2 Credits

Media Planning

3 Credits

Advertising Legislation

2 Credits

Political Constitution

2 Credits

Semester 7

Digital Content Management

3 Credits

Advertising and New Media

3 Credits

Social Responsibility Communication

3 Credits

Advertising Business Administration

3 Credits

Elective I

2 Credits

Elective II

2 Credits

Elective III

2 Credits

Semester 8

Digital Design and Interactivity

3 Credits

Advertising Campaigns

3 Credits

Public Relations

3 Credits

Project Design and Execution

3 Credits

Elective IV

2 Credits

Elective V

2 Credits

Elective VI

2 Credits

Semester 9

Professional Internships

13 Créditos


César Castiblanco Laurada

Director de programa

Magíster en Dirección de Comunicación Empresarial e Institucional

Alejandra Osorio Osorio

Magíster en Humanidades: Arte, Literatura y Cultura Contemporánea

Ana María Fayad Alzate

Magíster en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente.

Camilo Ernesto Lozano Rivera

PosDoctorado en Estudios Avanzados en Desigualdades y Desarrollo Sostenible

Camilo Ríos Cardona

Magíster en Creatividad e Innovación en las Organizaciones

Claudia del Pilar Montoya Arias

Magíster en Propiedad Industrial, Intelectual, Competencia y Nuevas Tecnologías

Claudia Lorena Alzate Tabares

Especialista en Branding y Comunicación Estratégica

David Díez Gómez

Doctor en Ingeniería, Industria y Organizaciones

Erwin Antonio Hurtado Duque

Especialista en Mercadeo y Ventas

Francisco Javier Céspedes Valencia

Especialista en Docencia Universitaria

Helman Norbey Moreno Agudelo

Especialista en Branding y Comunicación Estratégica

Jhon Jorge Santafé Zapata

Magíster en Dirección Estratégica, Especialidad Gerencia

Jorge Alberto Forero Santos

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Pensamiento Educativo y Comunicación

José Abel López Osorio

Magíster en Educación

Juan Fernando Pérez Rodríguez

Especialista en Negocios Internacionales con énfasis en Comercio Exterior

Juliana Díaz Ospina

Magíster en Comunicación Digital

María Luisa Castillo Osorio

Magíster en Diseño y Creación Interactiva

Norman David García Ríos

Especialista en Branding y Comunicación Estratégica

Why this program at UCM?

- 1st Advertising program in Colombia, founded in 1968. - Renewed curriculum (2020) of 9 semesters which integrates the best of advertising, communication, design and markets. - Advertising focus on social and cultural transformation through responsible communication and sustainability. - High academic level professors with national and international training and experience. - Teaching agreement with Ariadna Communications Group (multinational company with operations in more than 15 countries) to strengthen advertising, communication and digital marketing skills. - Permanent dialogue with the environment thanks to academic events that integrate our program with the city, the region, the country and the Latin American region. - Articulation of teaching with work for real brands with national and international presence that encourage the production of advertising communication products. - In the last 8 years our program has established international dialogue and collaboration with 26 countries in 4 continents. - Students awarded for their advertising quality in recognized national and international festivals thanks to their social and responsible approach. - Classrooms and creative spaces that enable research and creation around graphic, photographic, sound products and advertising campaigns: design workshops, radio studio, television studio and photography. - More than 1800 graduates who are recognized for their professional and human quality in Colombia and the world; awarded in the most important advertising festivals in the world. - Support of Altamira Research Group, classified in A1, the best possible classification for research groups by MinCiencias in Colombia. - Editorial products produced with the support of scientific communities of renowned Higher Education Institutions in Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Ecuador. - Leading program in the country in the development of Cultural and Creative Industries thanks to awards in national calls with bilateral support from the United States with DePaul University (Chicago) and Florida International University (Miami). - Internships in recognized advertising services companies and organizations in Colombia and the world. As an academic program, UCM Advertising actively participates in networks and associations where it manages national and international agreements for the development of its academic activity.
+ High Quality Accredited Program

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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