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home universidad catolica de manizales

Técnico Profesional en Operación de Empresas Turísticas

Duration 4 semestres

Degree: Técnico Profesional en Operación de Empresas Turísticas

Mode: On-site

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SNIES: 104148

008551 del 24 de mayo de 2023 por 7 años

Faculty of Business Administration

Nivel de formación: Técnicos y Tecnologías

Admission: Every Semester

El programa estudia la operación de empresas en relación con los procesos de apoyo a la prestación de servicios turísticos y formulación de proyectos, desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad que contribuya a la conservación de los atractivos culturales y naturales, como alternativa de desarrollo social y económico del territorio y sus comunidades




Basic sciences

Semester 1

Mathematical logical thinking

3 Credits


2 Credits

Guianza turística

3 Credits

Contexto turístico

2 Credits

Communication skills I

2 Credits

UCM Identity

1 Credit

Deporte y cultura

1 Credit

Environmental education

1 Credit

Semester 2


2 Credits

Fundamentos en administración

3 Credits

Tourism Enterprises I

3 Credits

Tourism Geography

3 Credits

Communication Skills II

2 Credits

Pensamiento creativo e innovación

2 Credits

Semester 3

Paisaje cultural

2 Credits

Marketing Fundamentals

2 Credits

Tourism Enterprises II

3 Credits

Introducción a la economía

2 Credits


3 Credits

Formulación de proyectos

2 Credits

Bar tending

1 Credit

Semester 4


3 Credits

Administración y Gestión

3 Credits

Fundamentos contables

2 Credits

Gestión cultural y patrimonio

3 Credits

Herramientas tecnológicas para el turismo

2 Credits

Political Constitution

2 Credits


Dilbert Vivas Zárate

Director de programa

Magíster en Microbiología Agroindustrial

Ángela María Cardona

Especialista en Seguridad Social

Jaime Andrés Morales Quintero

Magíster en Educación

Jorge Alexander Álvarez González

Administrador de Empresas

Kelly Jhoana Hurtado Carmona

Administradora turística

Luz Amparo Soto Vallejo

Magíster en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente

Marino Andrés Duque Morales

Administrador Turístico

Nathalie Rodas Osorio

Especialista en Gerencia de la Calidad

Sandy Natalia Ocampo Calderón

Administradora Turística

Tania Carolina Corrales Sánchez

Magíster en Educación

Why this program at UCM?

The Catholic University of Manizales is recognized for having technical, technological and professional programs with high quality and academic projection. The Professional Technical Program in Tourist Services Operation is a pioneer in the department of Caldas, which is part of the "coffee cultural landscape" awarded by UNESCO. After the designation of the coffee cultural landscape in the area of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio and Valle del Cauca, UCM launched the first academic training programs oriented to young people and entrepreneurs established in the tourism sector. UCM has the only programs focused on tourism in the region, endorsed with a qualified registration granted by the Ministry of National Education. Currently, UCM graduates are nationally recognized due to their strict comprehensive training in advanced areas of tourism knowledge, in addition to having skills and abilities certified by UCM in administrative, operational, quality and service areas, which guarantees the evolution of the market and the industry by having highly qualified professionals, technicians and technologists for the design, development and management of tourism projects.

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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