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Arts&Arq Magazine # 05

"Design is a process of purposeful visual creation as opposed to painting and sculpture, which the realization of an artist's visions, design of an artist, design meets practical demands". WONG, Wucius. Fundamentals of Design
October 12, 2022

In 2018 the UCM Architecture program addressed a process of academic restructuring based on the research question How is the UCM pedagogical model incorporated into the architecture program? From there, the collective of professors and students inquired about trends in training and the role of the architect in global development. In this sense, a program was formulated that, from the training competencies defined by the Colombian Association of Architecture Faculties (ACFA), has generated significant impacts in the formation of the UCM architect.

This edition shows the best projects of the last generation of curriculum 2, and gives the best projects of 2020 a chance to enter the program. This allows us to account for the profound transformations in the approach to projects and the permanent growth in these first 25 years of the Program.

For the Architecture program, this magazine is a window to show the academic and transformation processes of our students. In this issue you will find significant classroom experiences that go beyond curricular compliance and address the integral formation of the architect.

Carolina Suárez Valencia

Decana Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

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