The Spin-Of Siotictech is one of the strategies of the Catholic University of Manizales that allows technology transfers and promotes the relationship of the University with society, innovation, the promotion of the entrepreneurial culture and the generation of employment to strengthen the competitiveness and productivity of the region.
Siotictech born as the dream of bringing the knowledge acquired from the research of the University's team of professionals to real application environments in order to provide solutions to the technological needs of society and the market.
Research lines

- Remote measurement of physical variables of industrial and environmental processes for the generation of early warnings.
- Experience: We have experience in slope monitoring, water level and flow monitoring in natural and artificial sources.
IoT applied in precision agriculture

Use of technologies in the agroindustrial sector for crop monitoring and analysis of variables such as temperature, humidity, solar radiation, among others.

IoT for the environment

Through the implementation of IoT solutions, environmental variables of interest related to air, water and soil are monitored.
Remote sensing

- Remote sensing applied in agriculture, using airborne satellite images and spectral signatures for the analysis of the crop during its phenological cycle and estimation of its health status.
- Experience: We have experience in capturing spectral signatures and multispectral images in coffee, corn and cannabis crops and their use in research processes.

Scientific capabilities
Siotictech has an interdisciplinary team highly trained and specialized in problem solving from research and implementation of technology. Additionally, it has the capacity to provide consulting services and respond to the needs of the industrial and governmental sectors.
Successful projects
Siotictech since 2017 accompanies in the solution of technological problems from the knowledge and research development generated at the Universidad Católica de Manizales.
Device for the reading and transmission of micro-metering in water meters.

Collaborative project with the company Aguas de Manizales, with whom an electronic device was developed with a battery-based energy source, which allows the measurement of water consumption of residential users through wireless communications networks (LoRa), and its transmission antenna to a receiver (Gateway) that sends its data to conventional databases and its information system.

Implementation of a Telemetry, control and automation system for the pumping tanks of the Campo Alegre plant circuit, Las Carolas, Palestina.

Our support to Empocaldas consisted in the application of IoT technologies as an alternative solution to conventional systems based on PLC's, due to which an efficiency in the process was obtained, reducing 6 operators in 12-hour shifts to
1 operator on a 12-hour shift and 12 hours of the system in automatic.
The system was developed at a much lower cost than solutions available on the market.

Need more information?
Leidy Natalia Gaviria Ocampo
(60)(6) 8933050 Ext. 3007
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.