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Grupo de Investigación en Microbiología y Biotecnología Agroindustrial (GIMIBAG)

Categoría Minciencias: A

Fecha de institucionalización: 2001

Área de conocimiento: Ciencias de la Salud / imba

Prográmas académicos a los que responde o apoya:
Bacteriología / Maestría en Bioinformática y Biología Computacional / Maestría en Ecoingeniería / Maestría en Microbiología Agroindustrial

  1. Gone wild: Integration of antioxidative, physicochemical, volatilomic and sensorial profiles ratify rustic relatives of cherry tomato as idealmating partners. Investigadores: Lina María Londoño Giraldo, Andrés Mauricio Baena-Pedroza , F. Martínez Seidel, Eduardo Corpas Iguarán y Gonzalo Taborda Ocampo. Scientia Horticulturae. ISSN 0304-4238. 2021. Ver artículo
  2. A coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) genome assembly reveals a reduced chemosensory receptor gene repertoire and male‑specific genome sequences. Scientific reports. ISSN 2045-2322. 2021. Ver artículo
  3. Proteolytic enzymes in the salivary glands of the Neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros: Reduced activities in imidacloprid‐resistant strains. Annals of Applied Biology. ISSN 17447348. 2021.
  4. Global Stability Analysis of the Model of Series/Parallel. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417. 2021. Ver artículo
  5. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity, Chromatographic Analysis for Rutin and Quercetin Quantification Using HPLC-UV-Vis from the Hydro-Alcoholic Extract Obtained from Bidens pilosa Linné. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. ISSN 0103-5053 (print); 1678-4790 (web). 2021. Ver artículo
  6. Potential of Ficus carica extracts against Euschistus heros: Toxicity of major active compounds and selectivity against beneficial insects. Pest Management Science. ISSN 1526-4998. 2021. Ver artículo
  7. Bibliometric study of volatile compounds in commercial fruits of the Solanaceae family. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. ISSN 1516-7275. 2021. Ver artículo
  8. A Robust Observer—Based Adaptive Control of Second—Order. Computation. ISSN 2079-3197. 2021. Ver artículo
  9. An Improved Robust Adaptive Controller for a Fed-Batch Bioreactor with Input Saturation and Unknown Varying Control Gain via Dead-Zone Quadratic Forms. Computation. ISSN 2079-3197. 2021. Ver artículo
  10. Plant growth promotion by Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and its interaction with genotype and phosphorus availability in tomato seedlings. Organic Agriculture. ISSN 18794238, 18794246. 2021. Ver artículo
  11. HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS as tool for carotenoids assessment from wild and cultivated cherry tomatoes. Horticulturae. ISSN 23117524. 2021. Ver artículo
  12. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity, Chromatographic Analysis for Rutin and Quercetin Quantification Using HPLC-UV-Vis from the Hydro-Alcoholic Extract Obtained from Bidens pilosa Linné. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. ISSN 1678-4790. 2021. Ver artículo
  13. Evaluation of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) population density for disease resistance screening of tomato germplasm carrying the gene Mi-1. Chilean journal of agricultural research. ISSN 0718-5839. 2022. Ver artículo
  14. Potential of Bursera graveolens essential oil for controlling bean weevil infestations: Toxicity, repellence, and action targets. Industrial Crops & Products. ISSN 9266690. 2022. Ver artículo
  15. Status index of optimal water variables for biodiversity conservation in the Lagoon of Sonso in Colombia. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering. ISSN 2088-8708. Ver artículo
  16. Economic feasibility of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus in carrot cultivation. Revista Ceres. ISSN 2177-3491. 2022. Ver artículo
  17. Design and Evaluation of a Robust Observer Using Dead-Zone Lyapunov Functions—Application to Reaction Rate Estimation in Bioprocesses. Fermentation. ISSN 2311-5637. 2022. Ver artículo
  18. An Output Feedback Controller for a Second-Order System Subject to Asymmetric Output Constraint Based on Lyapunov Function with Unlimited Domain. Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390. 2022. Ver artículo
  19. Tecnología Biofloc: Perspectivas de Aplicación en Procesos de Producción Piscícola Sostenible. Revista Lasallista de Investigación. ISSN 2256-3938. 2022. Ver artículo
  20. Infuence of a biological coating and a wax on postharvest quality of mango (Mangifera indica L) variety “Keitt”. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. ISSN 2193-4134. Ver artículo
  21. Potential Action Mechanism and Inhibition Efficacy of Morinda citrifolia Essential Oil and Octanoic Acid against Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum Infestations. Molecules. ISSN 1420-3049. 2022. Ver artículos
  22. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Prevent Mercury Toxicity in Lactuca sativa (L.) Seed Germination. Pollution. ISSN 2383-4501. 2022.
  23. Adaptability of Rhizoctonia solani ag-1 ia for mancozeb sensitivity under temperature stress. Bioagro. ISSN 1316-3361. 2022. Ver artículo
  24. Ultraviolet radiation and generally recognized as safe (GRAS) preservatives for inactivation of Aspergillus niger in vitro and corn dough. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. ISSN 1981 – 6723. 2022. Ver artículo
  25. Isolated and characterization of biopolymer producing bacteria from industrial effluents. Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología. ISSN 0123-3475. 2022.
  26. Sex-dependent body mass and respiratory responses on Euschistus heros individuals resistant to imidacloprid. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. ISSN 14619555. Ver artículo
  27. Modelling of phosphorus accumulation in an aeroponic coriander crop. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. ISSN 1934-6352. 2022. Ver artículo
  28. Actividades ligninolíticas y producción de basidiomas de Ganoderma lucidum en cultivo sólido suplementado con manganeso. Revista Colombiana de Biotecnologia. ISSN 0123-3475. 2022.
  29. Nanoemulsion of Ocotea indecora (Shott) Mez essential oil: Larvicidal effects against Aedes aegypti. Industrial Crops & Products. ISSN 9266690. 2023. Ver artículo
  30. Global stability of a continuous bioreactor model under persistent variation of the dilution rate. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. ISSN 1551-0018. 2023. Ver artículo
  31. Systems with Input Saturation via Dead-Zone Lyapunov Functions
  32. Connected CSTRs with Flow Exchange Subject to Persistent
  33. Perturbation on the Input Concentration
  34. Methods for the culture conservation of edible and medicinal fungi. Investigadores: Laura P. Bermeo Escobar y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2021.
  35. An approach to the use of technology in the cocoa-growing sector: a look from the producer. Investigadores: Katherin Castro Ríos, Claudia Nohemy Montoya-Estrada, María Carolina Cuesta y Alejandro Gutiérrez Diaz. 2020
  36. Selection of promissory crops of wild cherry-type tomatoes using physicochemical parameters and antioxidant contents. Investigadores: Lina María Londoño Giraldo , Jessika González , Andrés Mauricio Baena, Omar Tapasco, Eduardo Javid Corpas y Gonzalo Taborda. 2020.
  37. Analysis of a generalized Fujikawa’s growth model. Investigadores: Alejandro Rincón Fabiola Angulo y Fredy E. Hoyos. 2020. Ver artículo
  38. Convergence Assessment of the Trajectories of a Bioreaction System by Using Asymmetric Truncated Vertex Functions. Investigadores: Alejandro Rincón , Gloria Yaneth Florez y  Gerard Olivar. 2020. Ver artículo
  39. Effect of storage and stress conditions on the counts of Bifidobacterium animalis microencapsulated and incorporated in plantain flour. Investigadores: Eduardo Corpas Iguarán, Jessica Triviño Valencia y Sneyder Rodríguez Barona. 2020. Ver artículo
  40. Effect of culture preservation methods in th stability and nutritional characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus. Investigadores: Laura P. Bermeo Escobar, Juan Pablo Penagos González, Marcela Orjuela Rodríguez y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2020.
  41. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity, Chromatographic Analysis for Rutin and Quercetin Quantification Using HPLC-UV-Vis from the Hydro-Alcoholic Extract Obtained from Bidens pilosa Linné. Investigadores: Carlos A. Pinilla,  Ángela M. López, Andrés F. Gálvez, Eduardo J. Corpas, Milton Rosero Moreano y Elena E. Stashenkod. 2020.
  42. Caracterización de bacterias diazotróficas solubilizadoras de fosfatos nativas de agroecosistemas arroceros cubanos. Investigadores: Maybel Almenares Casanova, Gema Pijeira Fernández, Yeised de la Fe Pérez, Gloria M. Restrepo Franco, Annia Hernández Rodríguez. 2020.
  43. Shelf-Life Assessment of Pre-Fried and Unfried Corn Empanadas Cold Stored. Investigadores: Luz Eliana Hernández, Eduardo Corpas Iguarán y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2020.
  44. Vida útil en masas y productos derivados del maíz: estudio bibliométrico. Investigadores: Luz Eliana Hernández, Eduardo Corpas Iguarán y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2020. Ver artículo
  45. Evaluation of cyanide and heavy metals removal in liquid effluents from small mining’s gold benefit, by adsorption with activated carbon and hydrogen peroxide in Segovia, Antioquia. Investigadores: Claudia Catalina Estrada Montoya, Narmer Fernando Galeano Vanegas y Gloria María Restrepo Franco. 2020. Ver artículo
  46. Modification and Expression of Beta-1,4-Endoglucanase encoding sequences of fungal origin in Escherichia coli BL21. Investigadores: Narmer Fernando Galeano Vanegas, Natalia Gutiérrez Calle y Gloria María Restrepo Franco. 2020.
  47. Antagonism of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria against the causal agent of the vascular wilting of tomato. Investigadores: Narmer Fernando Galeano Vanegas, Sandra María Marulanda Moreno, Beatriz Elena Padilla Hurtado, Javier Guillermo Mantilla Afanador, Nelson Ceballos Aguirre y Gloria María Restrepo Franco. 2020.
  48. Unsteady state series CSTR modeling of removal of ammonia nitrogen from domestic wastewater treated in a vertical flow constructed wetland. Investigadores: Alejandro Rincón, Gloria Yaneth Flórez y Fredy E. Hoyos Velasco. 2020.
  49. Cinética de crecimiento de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus usando melaza de caña y sacarosa: evaluación de modelos cinéticos. Investigadores: Alejandro Rincón Santamaría, Jorge Andrés Cuellar Gil, Luis Felipe Valencia Gil y Oscar Julián Sánchez Gil. 2019. Ver artículo
  50. Exopolysaccharide Production by Streptococcus thermophilus on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Prato Type Cheeses. Investigadores: Paola M. Alzate Montoya, Jose A. Marques Pereira, Mario H Marín Marín y Katherin Castro Rios. 2019. Ver artículo
  51. Experimental Design Applied to the Inactivation of Escherichia coli in Water through Electrooxidation with Ti / IrO2 Anodes. Investigadores: Katherin Castro Rios, Gonzalo Taborda Ocampo y R. A. Torres Palma. 2019.
  52. Evaluación de conservación y procesamiento en la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica de empanadas de maíz. Investigadores: Luz Eliana Hernández Montoya, María Fernanda Agudelo Buritica, Eduardo Corpas Iguarán y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2019.
  53. Colonización de Erwinia psidii en raíces y tejidos aéreos de eucalipto (Eucalyotus spp.). Investigadores: Claudia N. Montoya Estrada, Camila R. Costa, Jorge L. Badel, Lucio M.S. Guimaraes y Acelino C. Alfenas. 2019.
  54. Influence of Refrigeration and Freezing Storage on the Instrumental Texture of Corn Dough and Empanadas. Investigadores: Luz Eliana Hernández, Andrés Castañeda Peláez y Katherin Castro Ríos. 2019.