Media and Trends

This course provides conceptual and practical bases of media context and dynamics (ATL, BTL, TTL)

This course provides conceptual and practical bases of media context and dynamics (ATL, BTL, TTL), their role and impact on brand building strategies according to the market requirements, new developments and challenges. It will help students to formulate imaginative, creative and innovative media strategies in line with new market trends; analyze media progress and development critically and assertively in order to formulate appropriate and specific proposals germane to the current reality of the brand, the category and the market in general; foster a media investigative spirit in such a way that questions and problematizes brand communcation advances and evolution.

Mode of learning


Online Instruction via Zoom LMS Moodle


Juliana Díaz



4 weeks

July 7, 2020
July 31, 2020

Monday through Friday
14:00 - 17:00 (GMT-5, Bogota time)


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    Virtual Exchange
    English-taught programs
    Summer Courses
    Spanish UCM Global

    Universidad Católica de Manizales – Carrera 23 No. 60 – 63. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia – PBX (57)(6) 8933050 FAX (57)(6) 8782937 – Email.
    Personería Jurídica: Decreto 271 del 19 de junio de 1962 de la Arquidiócesis de Manizales – Resolución Ministerio de Educación Nacional: 3275 del 25 de junio de 1993. Ver regulación
    La Universidad Católica de Manizales es una Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por parte del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
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