Campus Vital

¿Te encuentras interesado(a) en colaborar con nuestros profesores para desarrollar proyectos interactivos de cooperación académica internacional?

El Aprendizaje Global Interactivo y Multicultural comprende una serie de estrategias que la UCM ha incluido en el currículo con la finalidad de desarrollar capacidades para un desempeño global en los estudiantes.

Willing to collaborate with professors to apply interactive projects that involve participation of international actors?

Multicultural Interactive Global Learning is a compound of strategies that the UCM has included in the curriculum in order to develop Capacities for a Global performance in students.

Aprendizaje Global Interactivo y Multicultural (AGIM) es un proceso de enseñanza intencionado en el desarrollo de capacidades para un desempeño global, a partir de experiencias de aprendizaje que aborden desafíos complejos locales y globales, por medio de la interacción con grupos y comunidades de diferentes culturas, orígenes y perspectivas que, aprovechando los recursos y herramientas disponibles de interactividad en línea, proponen alternativas y soluciones creativas de manera colaborativa, interdisciplinaria y multicultural (Marín, 2022)

This is an opportunity for professors or researchers whose main area of interest is interrelated and want to collaborate by choosing a topic to be shared with a group of students or professors in a way to expand information already worked. This is meant to nourish content being taught in each subject providing it with a global scope.

How does it work?

  • Two (or more) professors agree on the topic to be discussed.
  • They plan the number of sessions they will require (minimum one)
  • They schedule the sessions (dates and duration).
  • They agree on the app or platform they will use to connect

If you are interested, take a look at the UCM professors eager to collaborate and their courses. Then, feel free to contact us at

This call is for professors who are interested in having the experience to work in team with a UCM peer teaching together one or some sessions of a course during the semester. Each professor can complement what they usually teach with the knowledge and experience of a fellow expert in the same or complementary area of knowledge while share ideas, strategies and practices germane to their fields.

How does it work?

  • Professors decide if sessions will be in both institutions or in only one.
  • Professors share syllabi.
  • They decide which sessions will be taught together.
  • They plan the number of sessions they will require (minimum one)
  • They schedule the sessions (dates and duration).
  • They plan sessions and material to be used.
  • They agree on the app or platform they will use to connect.

If you are interested, take a look at the UCM professors eager to collaborate and their courses. Then, feel free to contact us at

This strategy offers the opportunity to connect teachers and students through mainly asynchronous projects. Creativity boosts teaching ideas for professors as their academic interests meet together in planning so as to connect their students on the internet or LMS platforms where research results, podcasts, forum discussions, vlogs and many other ways to use information are easily visualized while interacting through projects led jointly.

How does it work?

  • Check our UCM Global Professors Profile.
  • Take a look at the description of the course the professor is leading.
  • Agree and meet up with your peer in order to compare syllabi and define the topics and learning outcomes intended for the project.
  • Create your plan and schedule learning activities.
  • Define which sessions will be taught together to both groups, or to the opposite group.
  • Agree on the LMS platform to be used for both of your groups.
  • Schedule and plan learning activities in which students will work asynchronously.
  • Define what and how intended learning outcomes will be assessed.
  • Plan the strategy and project in which students will come together to collaborate.

If you are interested, take a look at the UCM professors eager to collaborate and their courses. Then, feel free to contact us at

What is your area of interest?

Virtual Mobility
English-taught Courses
Special Courses
Spanish UCM Global

Universidad Católica de Manizales – Carrera 23 No. 60 – 63. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia – PBX (57)(6) 8933050 FAX (57)(6) 8782937 – Email.
Personería Jurídica: Decreto 271 del 19 de junio de 1962 de la Arquidiócesis de Manizales – Resolución Ministerio de Educación Nacional: 3275 del 25 de junio de 1993. Ver regulación
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